In the neighbouring

Magliano in Toscana

The Etruscan to lived to first at Magliano in Toscana, the very important street of commnication. After to lived the Longobardi (568 D.C.), the Aldobrandeschi (900-1300 D.C.), the Senese republic (metà 1500), the Medici, the Marchese Cornelio Bentivoglio until to 1738, the Granduca Pietro Leopoldo Asburgo Lorena until to middle of 1700 which drainnig the country of Maremma. The walls which araund the historic center are medieval, it was builded to the Aldobrandeschi (XIII sec.) and  to senesi (XV sec.).Of medieval age are the walls to south-east and the four square towers,those senesi designed of architect Bibbiena are powerful, corbel, circulate towers with slit.

magliano 01

Parco della Maremma

Founded in the 1975, include the country of Principina a Mare until to Talamone, surface of 10.000 hectares. The coast alternate of the sandy beach and the rocks. The vegetation alternate of the crops to the pastures, to the mediterranean scrub to the rocky area, to the pine forest to the marsh and to the sandy dune. Do you meet horses, maremmane cow, wild boares, foxes, deeres, roe deeres and a lot of birdes hawkes.


Monte Argentario

Monte Argentario is a comune (municipality) and a peninsula belonging to the Province of Grosseto in the Italian region Tuscany, located about 150 km south of Florence and about 35 km south of Grosseto. The peninsula is connected with the mainland by three spits of land which form two lagoons, the Laguna di Ponente on the west side and the Laguna di Levante on the east side of the middle dam. The two main villages on Monte Argentario are Porto Santo Stefano, chief town, facing north, and Porto Ercole facing south. The panoramic road Strada panoramica starts in Porto Santo Stefano allowing splendid views of the coast and the Tuscan Archipelago. Monte Argentario borders the comune of Orbetello, which is located on the middle dam between the two lagoons.


Palio delle Contrade

Every 30 April and 1° May at Magliano there is a historical event with the procession in clothes age medieval race of horses. In this manifestation do you can taste typical poducts maremmani.


The principal town of the Maremma. It has marked to the malaria. In the second middle of  the700 the Lorena completed the drain. The walls has builded between the 1564 and the 1593; between the 1820 and the 1835 are transform  in public garden.



A muddle of house seem exit to tufo, the rivers Lente, Meleta and Procchio maked a ditches around the City of Tufo. Has installed between the 2000 and the 1000 a.C. The name  derive from Gens Petilia, the very important family roman. The fascinating country with medieval lane and of the house, picturesque cellar excavate in the tufo.



For the ancients been the center of the peninsula. The baths to find in the vicinità of Fall of Gorello near old  mill. The your hot water, 37,5°C, carbonico-solfurea-borica are useful for  illness of the skin, respiratory and circulatory system and rheumatism.


Resti Etruschi

Near Magliano there are a lot of archaeological site  Etruscan-Roman. You can see a lot of museums.


